Wednesday 23 December 2009

Shaykh Saleh al-Ja'fari - Ya Safwat ar-Rabbi, Undhur ilaa Qalbi - يا صفوة الرب

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والحمد لله رب العالمين على نعمه كلها
اللهم صلّ وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ومولانا محمد خير البرية
وعلى آله في كل لمحة ونفس عدد ما وسعه علم الله

يا صفوة الرب

Ya Safwat ar-Rabbi, Undhur ilaa Qalbi
Oh my Lords chosen one, look into my heart!

Shaykh Saleh al-Ja'fari al-Husayni
May Allah be pleased with him.

Abridged Translation

عليك صلى الله * يا ابن عبد الله
عليك صلى الله * يا خير خلق الله

Allahs salawat upon you, oh son of Abdullah
Allahs salawat upon you, oh best of Allahs creations

يا صفوة الرب * انظر إلى قلبي
يراك بالقرب * يا ابن عبد الله

Oh Allahs chosen one, look into my heart
So that it sees that you are near to me, oh son of Abdullah

يا صاحب المعراج * شرفت للأبراج
يا بغية الحجاج * يا ابن عبد الله

Oh you who ascended into the sky: you honored the constellations
Oh goal of those who go on the Hajj, oh son of Abdullah

يا ساكن الخضرا * والروضة الزهراء
أنوارها تترا * يا ابن عبد الله

Oh inhabitant of the green dome, and of the radiant Rawda
Whose lights are most apparent, oh son of Abdullah

يا دائم الأنوار * يا صاحب الأعطار
تفوح للزوار * يا ابن عبد الله

Oh you, of everlasting light, oh you of beautiful scents
That diffuse to those who visit you, oh son of Abdullah

يا روضة تحلو * زوارها تعلو
جاءوا بها صلوا * يا ابن عبد الله

Oh Rawda most sweet, whose visitors are elevated
They came to it and prayed, oh son of Abdullah

أنوارها تنفع * أقمارها تلمع
فيها النبي يسمع * يا ابن عبد الله

Its light are most beneficial, its moons are shining,
from it the Prophet can hear us, oh son of Abdullah

يا روضة الهادي * من نورك البادي
قد صرت في الوادي * أمدح رسول الله

Oh Rawda of the guide, it is because of your visible light
That I am now in the valley, praising Rasool Allah

لما رأيناها * والقلب وافاها
أفرح لرؤياها * فيها رسول الله

When we saw it, and the heart finally reached it
I am ecstatic to see it, in it is Rasool Allah

يا ظبية الوادي * نادت على الهادي
في الجوع أولادي * إضمن رسول الله

Oh gazelle of the valley, that called out to the guide:
Hungry are my children, be my guarantor, Rasool Allah

سارت لهم تجري * والدمع كالقطر
قالت على الفور * حبّي رسول الله

She ran to them, her tears pouring down
She said to them right away: My beloved Rasool Allah

قد حل أغلالي * من غير ما مال
ضامن لإقبالي * والأمر أمر الله

Has removed from me my shackles, without any money
He guaranteed my return, and the affair is all Allahs

هيا ارضعوا الالبان * قلبي مع العدنان
قلبي به ولهان * حبي رسول الله

Quickly! Drink my milk, for my heart is with the Prophet
My heart is madly in love with him, my beloved, Rasool Allah

ارحم محبينك * حببهم دينك
نزلوا ميادينك * فارحمهم لله

Have mercy on those who love you, make them love your religion
They came to your locations, so have mercy on them for the sake of Allah

من نورك الكل * والجزء والجل
والخير والفضل * هذا بفضل الله

From your light is all: every part and all!
And all goodness and virtue, and that is by the grace of Allah

عليك صلى الله * يا خير خلق الله
والآل حزب الله * حبي رسول الله

Upon you the salawat of Allah, oh best of Allahs creations
And your family, the party of Allah, my beloved Rasool Allah

ما الجعفري حرر * مدح النبي كرر
والوجه قد نور * بالنور نور الله

As along as al-Jafari writes, and repeats the praise of the Prophet
And the face is illuminated, by the light, the light of Allah


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