Monday 1 February 2010

The Smart Shopper

One day the Mullah Nasruddin was shopping in the market place. He came in front of a garment stall. He spent quite a long time looking at the colourful shalwars, the sashes, the chemises and the coats. Eventually he picked up a shalwar. After holding it in his hands for a while, he changed his mind and picked up a coat instead. He was about to leave with the coat when the vendor asked for his money.
'Mullah, where are you going? You didn't pay for the coat!'
`I exchanged it with the shalwar.' Mullah Nasruddin replied brazenly.
`But you hadn't paid for the shalwar either.'
`Look Fellow,' the Mullah was insolent, `why should I have paid for something I didn't buy?'


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