Eat, Drink, and Remember Your Lord
Eid Mubarak
Eid al-Adha, or the Festival of the Sacrifice, has its origins in the life of our spiritual forefather, Abraham, alayhi salaam. His story we know: He was prepared to sacrifice his own son to demonstrate his devotion to God. We are reminded by God, however, that He needs neither meat nor blood (Qur’an, 22:37). Abraham’s son, therefore, was spared. God was testing Abraham’s piety, specifically the depth of his desire to sacrifice for the sake of his Lord. Abraham, alayhi salaam, passed that test with distinction.
In the spirit of Abraham, alayhi salaam, let us ask ourselves: What are we willing to sacrifice for our Lord? Certainly, we are not being tested as he was, but we should, nonetheless, examine our own lives. Is there more we can do, or spend, or offer to help ensure that the monotheistic tradition, which Abraham, alayhi salaam, was so instrumental in shaping, lives on in the world?
One of the purposes of this holiday is to reflect on the teachings of our religion and to remember God. About Eid al-Adha and Ayyam al-Tashriq (the three days following Eid al-Adha), the Prophet(saaw) mentioned, “They are days of eating, drinking, and remembering God (Hiya ayyamu aklin wa shurbin wa dhikr Allah).”
As we enjoy the bounties our Lord has so generously bestowed upon us—and we should certainly enjoy these bounties—let us not forget to remember Him. Reflecting on these bounties and appreciating them is one of the greatest forms of remembrance.
Many of us can relate to the myriad ways God graced His Prophet, Muhammad(saaw). He reminds him, Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? He found you wandering, and guided you. And He found you impoverished and enriched you (Qur’an, 93:6-8).
How many of us were orphaned when we left our families in our homelands to venture to America, this strange, exciting land filled with opportunities and contradictions? How many of us were lost and wandering, ignorant about our great religion, before God blessed us with intellectual and spiritual growth? And how many of us were impoverished, wondering if we would go destitute to our grave, and yet God enriched us in ways we could never imagine?
As we reflect on these and other graces, let us thank God, and the many people who God enabled to contribute to our success. At Zaytuna College, we are also reflective and appreciative during this blessed holiday. We would be remiss if we did not thank all of you who have been supportive as the college moves towards opening its doors for its inaugural class. Without your prayers, well wishes, and generous financial support, we could have never made it this far. God willing, with your continued prayers and support, we can reach our goal of being America’s first accredited Muslim college.
Eid Mubarak! May you all have a blessed, joyous holiday filled with eating, drinking, and the remembrance of God.
Your brother in Islam,
Imam Zaid Shakir
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