Sunday 24 January 2010

Petty Criminal's Punishment

One day the Mullah tied his donkey in front of the court house and went shopping. While he was gone, the Qadi sentenced a thief to wear a sign that retold his crime and ordered his assistants to cruise him around the town seated backwards on a donkey. The Qadi's assistants saw Mullah's donkey in front of the court house and took the liberty to use it for the purpose of the thief's punishment. When Mullah Nasruddin came back from the market place and couldn't find his donkey, he got very upset. People around explained to him what had happened. Mullah Nasruddin had to wait until the embarrassing city tour of the thief was over and the donkey was returned back to him.

Some time later, the same man was caught stealing again. The Qadi sentenced him to the exact same punishment. When the Qadi's aides couldn't find a donkey, they thought of Mullah Nasruddin. They went to Mullah Nasruddin's house, explained the situation and asked to borrow his donkey one more time. Mullah Nasruddin was not willing to lend his donkey.

'Tell that criminal of yours either to give up this craft or to get his own donkey.' he said.


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