Monday 25 January 2010

The Elephant

Timur brought an elephant to Aksehir. The monumental animal was left alone to roam as it willed. All the sawn fields, vineyards, vegetable gardens were ruined. On top of all that, the people of Aksehir were left in charge of feeding the animal. In short, Timur's elephant became the first and foremost problem of Aksehir.
`Hodja Effendi,' the people of Aksehir entreated Nasreddin Hodja, `you are the only person who is not afraid of talking to Timur. Only you can convince him. Go tell him that we don't want this elephant here. Explain to him that we had enough.'

`You are right,' the Hodja agreed, `we need to do something about this. But I am scared of talking to Timur also. How about tomorrow, 10-15 of you and I, all together go to Timur and plead our case as a group. We'll be stronger that way.' Everyone agreed.

The next morning a large group of men gathered in front of the Hodja's house and thus the procession with the Hodja up in front and the crowd following behind, started towards Timur's tent. As they approached the despot's temporary residence, people behind the Hodja, overcome by fear of Timur's fury, disappeared one by one. When the Hodja was about to enter the grand tent, he noticed that he was all alone. `Ahh you cowards!' he said to himself.

`Hodja,' thundered Timur, `What brings you to my presence today?'

`Great Timur,' Nasreddin Hodja gathered up his courage, `we love the elephant you brought to Aksehir. We are grateful to you for your benefaction. He is our pride and joy. But we are concerned, Great Timur. The poor animal is a little lonely. Maybe you can bring a friend to him, perhaps a female elephant to keep him company. They can stroll around in the fields and gardens together and, if Allah may allow, they might even have a family. That can only increase our appreciation of your very generous gift to us.'


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